
DD2710 Designed For Underground Hard Rock Mines

DD2710 single-boom electro-hydraulic jumbo, designed and manufactured in collaboration between the company’s Finnish and Chinese operations for mining development in tunnels with cross sections up to 34m².

Developed initially for the Chinese market,  DD2710 delivers a high-quality drill to value-conscious mining companies, while incorporating the same industry-leading safety and technology as the company’s other products, said Jukka Naapuri, product line manager 

Designed for small to mid-sized underground hard rock applications, DD2710 can operate in curves with an internal radius of as little as 2.9m.

"Key drilling components are the same as those used on other  underground drills, ensuring high levels of drilling performance, productivity and reliability," Naapuri said.

A universal boom delivers a large optimum shaped coverage, 360˚ rotation and full automatic parallelism for fast and accurate face drilling, while drilling power is provided through  HXL5 rock drill, which features 20kW of percussion power.

"DD2710 is a high-level drilling system designed to combine industry-leading drilling performance with long-life drill steels and excellent machine reliability," Naapuri added.

The carrier unit for  DD2710 has been designed and built in the company’s Jiading factory near Shanghai, where the drill was launched in April of this year.

"The entire rig has been designed to ensure good visibility and stability, with the powerful four-wheel-drive articulated carrier ensuring fast and safe maneuvering in small drifts," Naapuri said.

DD2710 also maintains the company’s high safety standards, including a telescopic FOPS-compliant canopy and automatic drilling functions that allow operators to concentrate on safe, fast and accurate drilling. It’s the first in a line of compact underground hard rock drills, all sharing the same carrier and drill platform. It will be followed by DS2710 bolter and DL2710 bolter.

DD2710 is also one of the first machines to materialise from the‘Speedy’ approach to product development, which in this case has included collaboration between the company’s French, Finnish and Chinese research and development and production teams, to bring the new rig to market in just six months.

DD2710 feeder and feed beam with guide strips.pdf

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